搾取されるよりひどいこと (worse than being expoited)

When Beggars Collaborate, MONDAY, 7 JUNE 2010

「資本主義的搾取にあうよりもひどいことがただ一つある。それは,搾取される機会すら与えられないことだ(The only thing worse than being exploited by capitalism is not being exploited by capitalism.)」というジョークも,その一例だろう。つまりは,失業のことをいっているわけだけれども,そのブラックさが受けたせいか,いろいろなところで耳にする。「ろくでもない仕事でもないよりはまし(A bad job is better than no job.)」といういいかたもある。これも額面通りの意味ではなく,失業の脅しによって,ろくでもない仕事でも我慢させてしまうような体制に対する,皮肉をこめた批判として受け止められることが多い。少なくとも,評者が経験した労働組合の調査スタッフの国際会議の際に,この表現が使われるときのニュアンスはそうだった。
”The only thing worse than being expoited...”という警句の出所は,Joan Robinsonだということになっている。けれども,彼女のどの著作に出てくる言葉なのだろうか。あるいは,談話の中に出てくる言葉なのだろうか。この出所探しは結構難しかったが,最近,The Economistの記事の最後に次のような記述があったのを読んで,やっと出所が分かった。

As the late Joan Robinson, a Cambridge economist, once wrote, “the misery of being exploited by capitalists is nothing compared to the misery of not being exploited at all”. Her quip, written in 1962, was inspired by underemployment in South-East Asia. Since then, capital has busily “exploited” workers in that region and its giant northern neighbour, much to their benefit. Now it is time for capital to invest in them.
(The rising power of the Chinese worker, The Economist Jul 29th 2010 →http://www.economist.com/node/16693333)

上記のThe Economistの記事にあるJoan Robinsonの1962年の著作とは,Economic Philosophyである。その第2章の終わりの方に次のような記述がある。

As we see nowadays in South-East Asia or the Caribbean, the misery of being exploited by capitalists is nothing compared to the misery of not being exploited at all.
(Joan Robinson 1962 Economic Philosophy ChapterII.The Classics: Value

「今日、東南アジアやカリブ海にみられるように,資本家によって搾取されている貧困と,全然搾取されていない貧困とは,似ても似つかないものである。」(J.ロビンソン著/宮崎義一訳『経済学の考え方』「第2章 古典派」,岩波書店,1966年:PP.72-73)



Capitalism and unemployment ? a Marxist view
By Graham Matthews
(Green Left Weekly, Saturday, March 7, 2009)

There is an old joke that the only thing worse than being exploited by capitalism is not being exploited by capitalism.

Berkeley Sociology Lecture 4 "Class, Exploitation, Oppression"
Tuesday, March 5, 2002

IV. More formal discussion of exploitation
4. Implication: in simple oppression, the oppressor would welcome shmoos; in exploitation they would not. Nonexploitative Oppression is thus both more benign and more harmful than exploitation: on the one hand, the nonexploitative oppressor would not object to the oppressed simply leaving, moving away. Native Americans were allowed (and often forced) to flee West in the US whereas slaves could not. As long as they don’t fight back, the nonexploited oppressed can be ignored. On the other hand, in the face of resistence, in conditions of pure oppression, the privileged may be tempted to adopt a strictly repressive solution to conflict, in the extreme case adopting genocidal strategies. It is therefore not a simple matter to say whether “oppression” or “exploitation” is worse. Still, in general it is probably true that it is better to be exploited than to not be exploited in a situation where the alternative is nonexploitative oppression. Joan Robinson is reported to have said “the one thing worse than being exploited in capitalism is not being exploited”: Workers would rather be exploited than unemployed.

Staples, Clifford L., 1953-
Multinationals and Global Capitalism from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-first Century (review)
Journal of World History - Volume 17, Number 2, June 2006, pp. 233-237

I could not help but think of the British economist Joan Robinson's famous quip that the only thing worse than being exploited was not being exploited. I am a sociologist, and I teach and write about global capitalism and inequalities.

*1:もっとも,アメリカにだって,かの偉大なるMurphy's Lawがあるのだから,一概にきめつけてはいけないけれども。